
Context #1: Tom: Have you seen the new Star Wars movie yet?Jim: Yeah, I saw it last night. It was so sick!Tom: I know! I think it is the best one yet. Context #2: Sara: On Saturday we went to the street skateboarding championships, and it was so cool! Kim: I bet! I can’t believe […]

Cream of the crop

Context #1: Joe: Have you decided who you’re going to hire for the open position in the accounting department? Sam: Well, I interviewed about 8 people and now I’m down to the cream of the crop. There are 2 people I am still considering, and need to make my final decision by Friday. Context #2: Christa: […]

Add Insult to Injury

Context #1 I had a boyfriend for nearly 2 months. He recently broke up with me. He claimed the relationship was not working because I was not his “type.” My hair is blonde, I have blue eyes, and I’m fairly athletic. When we first met, he said I was exactly his type! Recently, my friend […]

Actions speak louder than words

Context #1 Amy: Hey Brian, what time will you pick me for tomorrow’s carpool to school? Brian: I’ll be there at 9 am sharp. Amy: Are you sure? Because the last 3 times you were late and we almost missed our first class. I would almost prefer to walk than wait for you again if […]

Fish out of water

Context #1 Two colleagues are talking at work… Penny: How are you finding the transition from accounting to account management? Mark: It’s all quite difficult and confusing. I am never sure just what it is I should be doing. Penny: It’s natural to feel like a fish out of water for the first few weeks. […]

Snowed In

Context #1  A college student is talking to his dad on the phone Tommy: Hello, Dad?  Dad: Tommy! It’s so good to hear from you! We heard that you got snowed in at the airport and we were worried about you. Is everything OK? Tommy: Yes, I’m fine, but I’ve been snowed in here for […]

Christmas Comes But Once A Year

                          Context #1 Mother and Daughter are talking about her old toys Melissa: Mommy, why are you wrapping those baby toys as Christmas presents? I’m much too big for those types of baby toys. I’m almost 8 years-old. Mom: Well, Melissa, these presents […]

Wish Upon a Star

Context #1 Mother and 4-year-old son are talking Mom: Did you like the movie, Pinocchio? Johnny: Yes, I did. I especially like Jiminy Cricket! He’s funny! Mom: Well, I’m glad you enjoyed it. Johnny: Mommy, you know that song that Jiminy Cricket sings in the movie? What does “wish upon a star” mean? Mother: Well, […]

Pull Christmas Crackers

Context #1 Family sitting down for Christmas dinner Dad: OK everyone. Let’s sit down to eat Christmas dinner! Jason: Dad, can we pull the Christmas crackers now? Dad: Sure, Jason! Go ahead. Jason: Pulling Christmas cracker with his sister and it makes a “bang.” Mother: Oh, look at those cute little toys. OK, Jason, now let […]

To look on the bright side

Context #1: Amy: We need to save money. Brian: Why do we need to save money? Amy:Because we need to buy a house. Brian: But a house is so expensive. Amy: That’s why we need to save money. Brian: How much do we need to save? Amy:We need to save enough for a down payment. Brian: How much is that? Amy: That’s […]


Bootleg; used as an adjective, noun or verb Context #1: Maria: Do you want to watch the new Star Wars movie? Henry: Yeah, but it’s not out yet. Christmas seems so far away Maria: I have a bootleg copy. Henry: How did you get that? Maria: I downloaded it. Come over tonight and we’ll watch. […]

Black Friday; used as a noun

Context: Alex: What are you doing over the Thanksgiving break? Armando: Well, I’m spending Thanksgiving evening with my parents, and then I’m spending the night in a Best Buy parking lot. Alex: Why would you do that? Armando: It’s Black Friday. I need a new computer, and they are selling a laptop I’ve had my […]