A bunch of
Idiom: a bunch of Context #1: Jim: I need to go to the store to get some pens for my class. Steve: Really? I have a bunch of extra pens. I can give you like 10 if you want. Jim: Are you sure? That would be great. Thanks! It’ll save me a trip to the […]
Over the hill
Example: Iain: “Hi, Ligia! Happy birthday!” Ligia: “Thank you, Iain! I am so happy it’s my birthday!” Iain: “You are turning 30, right?” Ligia: “ I am actually turning 37… Pretty soon I’ll be over the hill.” Iain: “Ligia… you are still young! You’ll not be over the hill anytime soon!!” Ligia: “You are right! […]
To let (someone) down
To let (someone) down: to disappoint, to not complete an expectation Jamie: Sorry I’m late, Mr. Tosca. Mr. Tosca: You told me your presentation would ready two hours ago. Our new clients are very angry. Jamie: Don’t worry, Mr. Tosca. I’ll explain everything to them. Mr. Tosca: No, you won’t. They left 45 minutes ago! […]