to break even

Idiom: to break even (used as a verb)       First Example:     Manager: I’m sorry, but we won’t be able to give that raise you asked for.     Employee: That’s too bad. Can you explain why?     Manager: Well, the rent for the building went up, and we lost a […]

Heavy Hitter

Example 1: Oprah Winfrey is considered a heavy hitter in her field. Example 2: Carlos: I’m excited to have Wendy working with us!! Hoyeon: Why? Carols: Have you seen her resume? She’s a real heavy hitter! Meaning: someone who has achieved a lot and is very powerful

To Play Hardball

To Play Hardball Example 1: Things are getting a little tough so the president has decided to play hardball on this issue. Example 2: Jacob: Sam is such a nice teacher Jake: Yes, but he’s also not afraid to play hardball when the class starts acting rowdy Meaning: to act strong and aggressive about an […]

Travel Light

Example 1: I’m going home for the holidays this year. I am so excited to see my family after 6 months of being here in America studying English. My classmate gave me good advice for my trip. She advised Itravel light.She explained that if I take just a small amount of luggage, I can save […]

head back to one’s hometown

Context #1 Gary: What are you doing for Thanksgiving this year? Chris: Well, normally we go to my parents’ place. But this year we’re heading back to my wife’s hometown in Nebraska. Gary: Nebraska? I hope you have a nice warm jacket to take with you. Context #2 Amanda: How do you celebrate the Chinese […]


Context #1 Jim: Man! We cooked a huge turkey last night for Thanksgiving! Todd: So I guess you had a lot of leftovers. Jim: Yeah! I’m going to be eating turkey sandwiches for the next week. Context #2 Sarah: We had a really nice Thanksgiving potluck party at my work today. Chrissy: Did a lot […]

Off the grid

Example 1: Jason: I think the most logical thing we could do is keep a low profile and stay off the grid. James: That’s not my style Jason.  I know some people like to do that, but I need to be social. Jason: I’m not saying that’s fun, but just to get away from things […]


Example 1: Johnny: Hey Daniel, are you really going to compete in a doubleheader? Isn’t your leg hurt? Daniel: Don’t worry Johnny, I know one competition right after the other might sound crazy, but I can handle it. Johnny: What if someone sweeps your leg or something? Daniel: It wouldn’t be the first time.  Besides, if […]

to pal around (with)

Idiom: to pal around (with) (used as a verb) First Example: Christina: Have you seen Jackie lately? Beatrice: No, she seems to spend all her time with Tim. Christina: They do seem to spend a lot of time together. Do you think they’re dating?       Beatrice: No, they’ve been palling around together for […]

friends in high places

Idiom: friends in high places (used as a noun) First Example: Sandra: Did you hear that Ben got the promotion? Donald: No way! I thought for sure you’d get it! Sandra: Well, I don’t have as many friends in high places. Donald: What do you mean? Sandra: Well, he has a few friends in upper […]


Example 1: James:  I’m going to buy a laptop for $800.00 Leo: What?! That’s expensive! Have you shopped around for cheaper ones? James: Not, really… Leo: You should! I’m sure you can find one for way less than $800.00 James: Good idea! Example 2: Gina: Did you buy dad’s Fathers’ Day gift? David: I’m shopping […]

to just scrape by

Context #1: Tom: Did you pass your physics class this semester? Brian: Yeah, but I barely scraped by. I almost failed! Context #2: Jennifer: This Russian class I’m taking is so hard. Whitney: Are you failing it? Jennifer: I’m not failing, but I am just scraping by. It’s super difficult. Meaning: to just scrape by […]