Comfort food (used as a noun)

Context #1 A teacher and his student talkingTeacher: What’s wrong Tatiana? Tatiana: I have been feeling a little down recently and last night I went to a Russian restaurant near my apartment. Teacher: I hope you had a great time. Did you eat anything good? Tatiana: Yeah, that’s the problem. Since I was missing home […]

A Baker's Dozen (used as a noun)

First Example: Stephanie: I need to get some bagels for a meeting. Baker: How many do you need?    Stephanie: Well, there’s going to be 10 people, but I want a couple extra because I’m not sure what everyone likes. So I guess a dozen. Baker: How about a baker’s dozen, which is thirteen? Stephanie: […]

Scarf Down

Context #1:  The most embarrassing thing happened to me yesterday at lunch. My problems started in the morning. I forgot to set my alarm and woke up late, so had to rush out of the house without breakfast. By lunchtime, I was so hungry! I scarfed down my lunch like I hadn’t eaten in days! The embarrassing […]

Grub/Grub on

Context #1:  I’m so hungry! Let’s get out of here and get some grub! Context #2: I’m so hungry! I could grub on just about anything right now! Explanation: the word grub can be used as a noun or a verb.  In noun form, it means food.In verb form, it means eat. In example 1, grubis used as a noun. “Let’s get out of here and get some food“ In example 2, grub […]