A Stone’s Throw

Example:  Stephane:  I’m looking for the emergency clinic.  Someone told me it was pretty near. Sean: It’s a stone’s throw away.  You see that building fifty feet away? Stephane: The pink one? Sean: That’s the one.  Just next door. Stephane:  Wow, no kidding! It really is close. Meaning: “A stone’s throw” means a very short distance; […]

To fall into your lap

Example 1: Tom and Elizabeth are brother and sister. Tom has been looking for a job for about a month. Elizabeth: How’s your job hunt going, Tom? Tom: I finally have a job Elizabeth: Really? Tom: Yes! I’m going to be working as a Coder for Google.com Elizabeth: Oh wow!! That’s so exciting! Congratulations Tom: […]

friends in high places

Idiom: friends in high places (used as a noun) First Example: Sandra: Did you hear that Ben got the promotion? Donald: No way! I thought for sure you’d get it! Sandra: Well, I don’t have as many friends in high places. Donald: What do you mean? Sandra: Well, he has a few friends in upper […]

to scrape together

Idiom: to scrape together (used as a verb) First Example: The college students didn’t think they’d have enough money to pay their rent. They sold some stuff and borrowed from their parents and they finally scraped together what they needed just in time. Meaning: The expression “to scrape together” means to gather together or make […]

to live within one's means

Idiom: to live within one’s means (used as a verb) First Example: Angela is in debt. She hasn’t been living within her means this past year, using credit cards to pay for everything. Now she has to move back into her parents’ house so she can save money on rent and use it pay off […]

To Paint the Town Red

verb, expression – to go out and have fun, have a good time. Use: William and Cheryl stand outside a convenience store. Cheryl scratches a lottery ticket. William: I wish we could get out and do something fun tonight. But I don’t get paid until next week! Cheryl: I won! I won! $10,000! William: Are you […]