Discovering the Magic of a Los Angeles Vacation Exchange
Undertaking a Vacation English Program in Los Angeles offers several advantages. The city provides an ideal environment for honing your English language skills, with the opportunity to interact with native speakers. Additionally, the pleasant and sunny climate is perfect for escaping the winter or enjoying pleasant vacations year-round. The cultural diversity of Los Angeles is […]
Wet Blanket
Example: Kim: I can’t wait to go to Bangkok. It’s going to be so much fun. There are so many places to see. Vijo: I hate the city. I prefer a more quiet countryside place. The city is for unstable people. Kim: Oh, don’t be such a wet blanket. Why do you always have to […]
Get cold feet
Context #1 Alicia: When are we going to get a new car? Brian: I don’t know. We can’t afford it now that you’ve stopped work. Alicia: Did you talk to your boss today? Brian: Yes. Alicia: Did you ask him for a promotion? Brian: Well… Alicia: Oh, Brian, you promised! Brian: I didn’t promise… Alicia: […]
In vain
Context #1: Mike: Have you heard from Richard? It’s been a while since I’ve talked to him. Bryan: No, I can’t get a hold of him. I’ve even tried getting in touch with his mother. She’s also tried in vain for the last 2 days. I hope he’s OK. Mike:That’s really weird, but I’m sure he’s fine. Let […]
From time to time
Context #1 Luz: Do you like watching action movies? I think they’re the best. Leo:Sure, from time to time. Luz: Like how often? Leo: maybe once every three or four days. Not too often. Context #2 Bob: From time to time I remember when we first met. Shannon: That’s so sweet of you to say. I didn’t think you […]
Crocodile tears
Meaning: A display of an emotion that is not real; or showing an emotion but not feeling that emotion. If a person is not sad but wants to look sad, he or she will shed crocodile tears, meaning that person is acting sad rather than feeling sad. People often use the verbs “cry,” “shed,” or […]