Snowed In

Context #1 

A college student is talking to his dad on the phone

Tommy: Hello, Dad? 
Dad: Tommy! It’s so good to hear from you! We heard that you got
snowed in at the airport and we were worried about you. Is everything OK?
Tommy: Yes, I’m fine, but I’ve been snowed in here for about two days. I
don’t know if I’ll be able to fly home for Christmas.
Dad: That’s OK. We are just happy you are safe.
Tommy: It’s
strange being at the airport so long, but I think things should open up soon. I’ll
keep you posted.

Context #2 
A little girl is asking her Mom about going
to school

Sarah:Look at all that snow!
It hasn’t stopped all day.
Mom: Yes, it looks
like it is getting too deep.
Sarah: Do you think we
will get snowed in? That would be so much fun!
Mom: What do you mean? It’s not fun to just stay
home and not be able to go anywhere.
Sarah: It’s fun when you don’t have to go to school
because you are snowed in!

Meaning: To be snowed in
means to be trapped somewhere because of too much snow. In the first context,
the college student is snowed in at the airport, so he is not able to fly home
for Christmas. In the second context, the little girl is hoping to be snowed in
so that she doesn’t have to go to school.

One Response

  1. Thanks for sharing, dear Michelle … You are the best – second to none … We love you … Merry Christmas to you and all the guys at LSI …

    Russian ESL students

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