Be bent on doing something

Context #1:

Jean: Phillip! I’m so tired! Can’t we finish tomorrow? The project isn’t due until 5 pm. We have plenty of time in the morning. Let’s go to sleep!

Phillip: No way, Jean. I told myself we’d finish this by tonight and we’re not going to bed until we do. Sorry!

Jean: You’re being really selfish, you know. You’re so bent onfinishing this project but you’re not considering any one else’s feelings. I’m tempted to just let you finish it on your own.

Context #2:

Mother: Son, why are your grades so low in your science class this semester?

Son: I don’t know mom. I work really hard but the teacher is bent on making my life miserable. She hates me.

Mother: Why do you think that? I’m sure it’s not true.

Son: It’s true. She doesn’t treat me the same as others.

Mother: I’ll have to go and talk to her then.

Son: NO! Don’t do that. It’s really OK!


To be bent on doing something means that you are obsessed with doing something and you MUST do it.

In example 1, Phillip MUST finish his project, even if it means that Jean and he will lose sleep. 

In example 2, the son claims that his teacher is obsessed with making his life difficult. 

Be sure to change the be verb to match your tense and always use an ing-verb following on

She isbent on preparingall of the appetizers by herself. She won’t consider a caterer. 

Mr. Lee has been bent on learningEnglish in less than two years. He studies every single day. 

When I was a kid, I wasbent on readingall of the Harry Potter books.

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