A drop in the bucket

First Example:

            Mary: Thanks for the donation for the
Children’s Hospital.
Conner: I wish I could give more. I know $100
is a drop in the bucket compared to
what they need.
Mary: It’s still generous of you. Yeah,
we need to raise about $10 million, but if more people give, it’ll really make
a difference to a lot of sick kids.

Meaning: The expression “a drop in the bucket” means that something is very
small when compared to what is necessary. In the example above, Conner has
given Mary a donation for children’s hospital, but he realizes that compared
with the $10 million necessary, it seems almost worthless (which Mary denies).


When the employees found out how
much money the company had made without giving any raises or bonuses, the
employees were furious. They argued that a small raise for each employee would
have been a drop in the bucket when
compared with the record profits, but the company argued that they were
investing the profits to ensure future growth.

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3 Responses

  1. Thanks for sharing, buddy … Can't wait for more … Keep up the good work … Kind of wish you could post new idioms more often … A quick question, though: could we also say 'a drop in the ocean' to express the same meaning? …

    Please say hi to Michelle and the guys at LS for us …

    Your true fans from Moscow

  2. Thanks for sharing, buddy … We've also heard 'a drop in the ocean' from our US contacts … Can't wait for more … Keep up the good work …

    Your Russian fans

  3. Listen, guys … We are the only ones who say words of thanks here and you don't post them … For instance, we did it twice for this particular idiom … How come? … Besides, you almost never answer our questions regarding synonyms … Why don't you just say you're not interested and we promise to stop asking …

    We still love you

    Russian ESL students

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