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Form ID: English + Fun in California!
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Name: Akshay Gandhi
Email: akshay@expertsglobal.com
Nationality: India
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Dear In-charge,

Hope this finds you well.

I am writing to you on behalf of Experts’ Global (ExpertsGlobal.com). I wish to explore the possibility of a tie-up for our GMAT Practice Tests- the world’s most exhaustive software in its field.

Salient features…

– 15 full length computer based tests with AWA and IR.
– Video explanations for each of the 1365 (91×15) questions!
– Detailed text solution.
– Rigorous insight into the weak areas, time management, sectional analysis etc.
– Close proximity to the real GMAT, in difficulty, scoring, scope, and feel.

Ensuring that price doesn’t play a barrier in its going viral, we have priced the software at a paltry $29. Our tie-up for bulk licenses for all your students means that it will cost further less to you.

I request you to please help me connect with the appropriate person in your organization to take this forward.

Thank you for your kind deliberation.


Referring Page: www.google.co.uk/

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