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Newsletter May 2017


Memorial Day
By Sylvia Sunada, Program Coordinator at SB
           Americans celebrate Memorial Day every year on the last Monday in the month of May. This year, Memorial Day will be observed on Monday, May 29th. These days, Memorial Day is considered to be the unofficial start of summer and is typically celebrated throughout the county with barbeques, beach outings, picnics, and outdoor events.
When Memorial Day was first introduced in 1868, after the American Civil war, it was called Decoration Day. On this day, the graves of Union soldiers were decorated with flowers. As time went on, the day evolved into Memorial Day, with the war dead from all American conflicts being honored and remembered.
This Memorial Day, as you are enjoying your day off from school or work, let’s take a moment to think about those who have died. Try and find a Memorial Day event that commemorates the service and sacrifice of more than 1.8 million men and women who have given their lives for America since 1775.

Language Systems Life Style 

Dodger Baseball with SBLA
By Sylvia Sunada, Program Coordinator at SB

          Baseball season is upon us, and so we thought it’d be a great idea to plan a school trip to see the Los Angeles Dodgers! PC Sylvia and Teacher Thaddeus organized a group of 20 people. The Dodgers were playing the Philadelphia Phillies and star pitcher Kenta Maeda was pitching! Our Japanese students were excited to see their beloved “Maeken” pitch in Los Angeles! We boarded the Dodger Stadium Express shuttles in Gardena and rode along with other Dodger fans to the stadium. The weather was perfect for an evening game.
Teacher Thaddeus is a huge Dodger fan and he was very helpful in explaining the rules, stats, and trivia to students who didn’t know much about the game or team. The game began with the Phillies in the lead, but soon the Dodgers overtook them in the fifth inning and won the game 5 to 3! We enjoyed Dodger Dogs, peanuts, and other ballpark snacks. It was too windy for their usual Friday night fireworks, but I think we were all a little relieved because we were ready to go home by the end of the game.
We had a great time together at the Dodger game!

Discover LA(SBLA)
Torrance Art Museum
By Sylvia Sunada, Program Coordinator at SB

          The Torrance Art Museum is located within walking distance from the South Bay campus. It’s not a big museum, but is well known for showcasing contemporary and sometimes local artists. Some call the TAM Torrance’s best kept secret! If you’re an artist, an art lover, a student, or just a human who is spending some time in Torrance, make your way over the TAM and check out its current exhibit!
The museum’s mission is to “encourage all people to develop and increase their understanding and appreciation for modern and contemporary artwork via a variety of exhibitions offered in its two gallery spaces, as well as educational programs, artist talks, lectures, and symposia.
Through its emphasis on contemporary artistic expression in Southern California and globally, the Torrance Art Museum brings together visual artists and community members; fosters personal and civic well being by inspiring understanding and appreciation of the visual arts; promotes meaningful experiences in the arts to strengthen creative and critical thinking skills; and builds bridges between the visual arts and other disciplines in the humanities and sciences.”

Free in LA (SBLA)
By Sylvia Sunada, Program Coordinator at SB

Every Friday night between April 8 and October 28, the lot in front of Ruby’s Diner in Redondo Beach becomes a giant car show, showcasing muscle cars and modern rides. Stop by Ruby’s Diner before or after you check out the cars for a delicious burger or milkshake. Enjoy this retro “California cruisin’” event each week throughout the summer!
Language Systems Faces 
Interview with Sylvia Sunada, Program Coordinator in South Bay 

Sylvia is the Program Coordinator at the South Bay campus of Language Systems. This year, Sylvia is celebrating her 10th anniversary with LSI! Read on to find out more about her!.
Q: What is your favorite thing about working at LSI?
A: Working with international students has always been the best part of being a teacher and now as PC. Our students come from many different countries, so it’s a wonderful way to learn about these places. I’ve met so many wonderful people through my job at LSI.

Q: What is your favorite subject to teach?
A: Pronunciation in the CMAR class is really fun! I think pronunciation is something that many students forget about and it’s often the one thing that can take their English to the next level if they worked on it. Grammar is also interesting because it is the “nuts and bolts” of English, and without it, you just have words!

Q: What would the students be surprised to find out about you?
A: Students might be surprised to learn that I have run in and completed 4 full marathons in the last several years. I think this surprises people because I’m not very athletic or competitive or outdoorsy. My first 3 marathons were the Los Angeles marathons in 2009, 2010, and 2013. My most recent marathon was in Long Beach in 2016. I plan on doing at least a half marathon before 2017 is over!

Q: Do you have any advice for students who are struggling to improve their English?
A: It’s important to remember the reason you started studying English in the first place. If you want a better job, think about how your life would be if you got that great job and keep that image in your mind. If you’re studying English to move on to college or university in the US, imagine yourself on graduation day accepting your diploma. It might be difficult to stay motivated, but it’ll all be worth it once you achieve your goals!

Student Articles


Our morning TOEFL class practiced their writing skills with a very special topic:
Mother’s Day
Independent Essay: Some people feel that Mother’s Day is an important holiday for everyone to honor someone important to him or her. Others feel that people should honor their mother every day, and that the holiday makes people think that mothers only need to be recognized once a year. Which opinion do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

By Estelle
          Mother’s day is celebrated all over the world for a good reason; to say “I love you” to a person really important to you. Mother’s day is an important day for me for several reasons. It’s a good occasion to remind your mom how much you love her, to do something special, and also to spend your entire day with her. 
This day is really special, it’s a day that you are not afraid to say to your mom how much you love her and how much you are thankful about what she did for you. I remember when I was young, I used to make her  breakfast on the morning and to wake her up with a nice and cute little card that I built by myself with all the most beautiful words that I could know at that time. I continue this traditiontoday, and I still send her a card to say to her “thank you mom for being the best mom in the world, I love you so much”.  
Next, this day is also a good way to do something for your mom and to reverse the role. Your mom is always here for you every day, so during this day of May you can be the one for her and make her an incredible gift that she will enjoy. Giving some flowers or a shiny tiny necklace that you bought is always a nice gift for the person who gave birth to you and a good way to make her day special.
Finally, I like to dedicate my entire day to my mom, to spend as much time as possible with her. Your mom needs attention, but she mostly needs your presence during this day. I used to take my mom to a gigantic, natural park next to the house and have a picnic there. We spend our day to relax, to talk, and to laugh. We try to make this day unforgettable and special. 
To conclude, mother’s day is really important for those three main reasons. Even if you can enjoy your mom every day, you can’t enjoy your mom as intensely as during this day. This day is her special day and nobody else’s. 

By Haeyoung
          Every year, we meet Mother’s Day in May. Some people feel happy with that day while others do not. I think Mother’s Day is an important holiday to honor mothers because mothers deserve to have a special day for them once a year; it is difficult to recognize mothers and how important they are in daily lives, and people may build a strong relationship with their own mothers by honoring Mother’s Day.
First, mothers give birth to their children by suffering from extreme pains and take care of the kids. With a great deal of dedication and sacrifices, the kids grow up and end up to be adults, who are  independent from their mothers. Thus, to honor mothers for their efforts, Mother’s Day is vital for everyone.
Next, when being familiar with the dedication of mothers, it is not easy to recognize them as being valuable ones without whom we would not be able to be born and to thank them when we grow up. Therefore, it is necessary to honor mothers at Mother’s Day at least once a year.
Finally, people may establish stronger relationships with their own mothers by remembering them as an honorable one on Mother’s Day.
In conclusion, it is very essential to honor mothers on Mother’s Day once a year, because they are worthy to be celebrated by their own families for their sacrifices and great efforts toward the families.

By William
          I think Mother’s Day is one of the most important holidays and of course one’s mother has to be honored every day. She takes care of her kids every day, not just once a year,protects her kids when they are small, and gives motivation and suggestions when kids grow up and become adults. 
First, a mother takes care of her kids every day and lifelong. I am sure that is very, very difficult. It is like you have a job for your whole live, without holidays, weekends and vacations. A mother is responsible for her kids and every mother wants to raise her kids for a good life. Mothers give us our first education on how to read and write and it is very important for beginning education.
Second, as in nature, in a lion pridefor example, the mother always protects her cub  from dangers and in human life it is no less dangerous, so a mother is always ready for every situation.
A mother almost never relaxes; she relaxes only when kids relax instead of her or when kids are not far and she can see them, as did my mother. I was a very energetic kid so I was always under control of my mother, because I could have broken a vase or a window or even a TV.

Third, when kids grow up, a mother still remains a mother and keeps taking care of her kids but in another way. A mother always gives very good suggestions and helps with difficult situations with very good decisions.
In conclusion, I want say that a mother gives her whole life for her kids and I would say that her kids are her life. Mothers have to be honored every single day because mothers are given to us only once in a lifetime.